Change the definition of success, so that no matter how small you inch towards your goals, you always win.

Let me explain.

You read 2 chapters. Your mind tells you, “Well, why didn’t you read 3 chapters?”.

You worked out today? “Why didn’t you go harder?”.

Did 200 jumps with the jump rope? “Why not 400”

This mindset can quickly become toxic. Although the voice helps you push past your limits, it made you feel like shit afterwards.

Be okay that you did read at all. Be okay that you even moved. Took out the jump rope and did the jumps. Took a walk. Went to the park. That’s a win.

Set the definition of success so that you always win. Focus your goals on the process, not the result.

You read. That’s a win no matter how many chapters you read.

You worked out. That’s a win no matter how many jumps you did.

In basketball, you aggressively looked for open teammates to pass to on offense. That’s a win, no matter how many points you scored or whether you won the game or not.